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Preschool and Boys
Preschoolers only attend Day Camp with an AT-CAMP volunteer


Who are preschooler and boys at camp?

Preschoolers are girls 4 and 5 years old preschool aged that are grouped together.
Boy Units are 2nd graders up to 9th graders and may include 1st graders as well. Boys are placed by grade level but how many boy units varies each year.

Pixies are girls 4 and 5 years old preschool aged and boys 4 years old to kindergarten, may include 1st grade boys.
Preschoolers are accepted into Day Camp only with an At-Camp volunteer. 


Preschoolers Schedules

The schedules match their associated volunteers schedule! 

For example, if their Grandmother is their associated volunteer and she is schedule the first week only, then the camper only attend Camp the first week. OR if their associated volunteer is their Dad and he is schedule the full two weeks at Camp, then the camper can attend everyday as well including the overnight!

Week One: Monday - Friday, 9 AM until around 4 PM
Week Two: Monday - Tuesday, 9 AM until around 4 PM
                     Wednesday is the first of two overnights for the Older Boy unit
                     Thursday is ALL Camp overnight and campfire
                     Friday is a half-day ending around noon

The campers transportation should match their volunteers. Check Transportation Tab for driving directions or bus schedules.


Boy Units

Boy Units are 2nd graders up to 9th graders and may include 1st graders as well. Boys are placed by grade level but how many boy units varies each year.

Typically there are three boy units
Younger Boys
          Middle Boys
          Older Boys
Boy AITs are 
apart of the Older Boy unit.
Boy Units get to do similar activities to all the other units and they are adjusted slightly for age appropriateness or gender. Skills and special programs tend to be identical while crafts can have more options. An example is younger boys might do the pillow craft, girl units tends to be unicorn pillows and the boys tend to be monster pillows. Both design options are available.

On the first day of Camp, all boys gather with all the campers. After the first day, boys will be able to gather at their unit spot.

Unit Cooking starts the first Friday when boys make their own lunch as a unit. This is a great learning experience and helps get the unit ready to cook dinner on the overnights.

Overnight: All boy units can stay for the all camp overnight on the second Thursday. 

Older Boys can stay over two nights, the second Wednesday and Thursday. If the older boys associated volunteer is there during the day but not staying for the overnight on Wednesday, the boys can still stay and participate in the overnight without their volunteer there. This is the one exception for Tags at camp without their volunteer.

Boy units are very similar to girl units.



Pixies are girls 4 and 5 years old preschool aged and boys 4 years old to kindergarten, may include 1st grade boys.

Typically there are two pixie units. They are Camp's smallest units and have more volunteers assigned per unit to help.
Pixie Unit Leaders will be at the unit site and available to take your Pixie starting at 8:45AM each morning. Pixies should be dropped off before the Program or Unit Leader meeting. The meetings start at headquarters at 9AM and a lot of daily information or assignment information is covered in a short amount of time. At the end of the day, Pixies get picked up before Flag Down.


Do Pixie Units have Different Programs?

​Pixie Units do a lot of similar activities to all the other units that are adjusted slightly for age appropriateness. Skills, crafts and special programs tend to be simplified.

Examples: Hikes are shorter, knot skills will focus on 1 knot, knife safety is done with wood pocket knives and not real pocket knives, fire safety is taught but they will not light a match, etc.

Some things are completely done by volunteers for the Pixies. ​

Examples: name tags are made for the Pixies and Pixies do not cook unit meals, one will be made for them.


Pixies on the Overnight!

Pixie's do not sleepover as a unit. They will spend the afternoon at a playground while dinner is made for them and after dinner but before campfire, they will be dropped off at their volunteers unit to join the adults unit for the overnight. Pixie's will be pickup in the morning to finish their last day with their unit friends and will be given breakfast.


Friend Requests for Boys and Pixies

A Friend Request can be made during registration. We will do our best to honor all requests but are limited to grouping kiddos by age and grade. 


Do they have fun at Camp?

Preschoolers like all campers and have a great time at Camp!
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